Anal Issues

analAnal play and anal sex can be very hot and sexy, and is in the realm of real lovers these days, not just porn stars. However, women sometimes find it difficult to relax and enjoy it because they’re concerned about any mess that could result. Feeling uptight and stressed when participating in any kind of anal play can make the experience difficult and uncomfortable for both parties.

A lot of women don’t seem to be able to understand that people who are interested in anal play are fully aware of the fact that it is an activity fraught with the potential for a mess, and they are prepared to proceed in spite of that. It is a biological function experienced by all humans and not something to be ashamed of. While many people will advocate repeated enemas in order to assure cleanliness and a pristine environment, that actually may not be the healthiest choice. Enemas can often dry out the anal area, and having anal sex a short period of time later could result in minor tearing or discomfort due to dryness. Repeated enemas could throw a person’s electrolytes off balance, and that can be very detrimental to a person’s health. Unless one’s partner is aware of how many enemas were done and how recently, they may not be able to provide necessary information in case of an emergency. It would be best to discuss this with a doctor or gynecologist, and find out how to safely use enemas or anal douches as a way to prepare the area without any health implications. Doctors have heard it all and they’re there to help, so people should not be embarrassed to discuss these things with them.


The easiest way to handle the situation is to eat a very healthy diet and get plenty of fiber. This will make most people pretty regular and, quite often, predictable which will make scheduling a sexual encounter involving anal play quite a bit easier. If a lady is concerned about any potential messy situations, she can put a large towel on the bed or leave a towel folded on the dresser to provide a place to put used sex toys. The last and most important thing is that people should talk to their partner. It may seem like an embarrassing conversation, but if a person is comfortable allowing someone else to insert things into their ass they should be comfortable enough with that person to talk to them.


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